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Natural Ways to Reduce Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes – we’ve all been there. There are a variety of causes of this unwanted symptom: either allergies, too much salt, no sleep, or your skin is just naturally prone to puffing up.  Thankfully, there are also a bunch of natural skin care products that can help soothe and reduce the appearance of puffiness around the eyes basically overnight!

The skin around our eyes are extremely sensitive and prone to irritation. Natural products are always a better alternative to the toxic and irritant chemicals found in many drug store eye care products.

These following Eve Hansen products are uniquely formulated to help combat puffiness alongside every eye area concern, while treating and preventing future eye skin damage.

  1. Sweet Almond Oil – Not only does almond oil reduce puffiness, it also reduces the appearance of dark spots, soothes redness, and deeply moisturizes the sensitive skin.

  2. Lavender Oil – Known as the ultimate relaxing essential oil, lavender’s soothing properties can also be transferred to the eye area. Add a drop of lavender to a teaspoon of distilled water and massage the solution under your eyes.

  3. Brilliant Eye Gel – Infused with soothing ingredients such as organic aloe and jojoba oil, this eye gel is a lightweight and effective solution for puffiness, sagging, dark circles, and eye wrinkles.  

  4. Rose Water – Rose water’s anti-inflammatory properties have won it the title of beauty’s oldest and favorite ingredient. In addition to smelling fantastic, it soothes irritated under eye skin, and works as a skin toner.

If you’ve ran out of your favorite puffy eye treatment, there are many antioxidant-filled food items around the house you can utilize as a quick-fix for those dreaded puffy eyes.  

Try these speedy home remedies until you receive your product!

  • Tea Bags
  • Cold Milk
  • Cold Compress
  • Cucumber Slices
  • Tomato Juice + Lemon Juice solution
  • Potatoes

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