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Skipping into Spring and Targeting Issues Geographically

At Eve Hansen, we believe that healthy skin is beautiful skin and know that staying moisturized and well hydrated is a big part of that. As we skip our way into spring, we’ve collected some best skin care practices from across the country to help skin blossom beautifully - wherever you might be – just in time for the freshest season of them all - SPRING! 

As a season of growth and renewal, spring is a time to nourish and revitalize the skin after the long months of winter and harsh temperatures have taken their toll.

Of course, skin care isn’t one size fits all and the region in which you live plays a significant role in determining what kind of challenges your skin may face and what can be done to combat seasonal issues geographically. In chatting with our team in different parts of the U.S., we’ve composed a list of targeted suggestions for you based on your location and the challenges you may face.

East Cost

While there’s no denying that east coast winters have a certain magic about them, the cool temps and use of constant indoor heat can strip the skin of natural oils and leave us feeling dry.

To restore hydration lost throughout winter, we suggest incorporating humectant ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, urea, and AHAs into your skin care routine. Humectants have a powerful ability to attract moisture and can lock it deep into the layers of the skin.

West Coast

With increased humidity caused by the marine layer on the west coast, skin care needs on the west coast can vary based upon sub region.

Being milder, the climate in the bay area is less drying than other parts of the region. Residents can employ a consistent skin care regimen with moisturizing products.

Central California, on the other hand, can see very cold and dry winters. Moisturizing (duh!), using body washes with Vitamin E and hydration masks are great ways to repair and replenish lost moisture. 

For our friends in SoCal and Hawaii who enjoy and average of 70-degree weather year-round, moisturizers with sun protection are extremely important since these places experience more UV exposure than other regions. Don’t forget to reapply regularly!


Like those east coasters, Midwesterners are accustomed to some pretty chilly winters. Furthermore, winters in this area often kick it up a notch with extreme winds. Windy weather can increase skin dryness and flaking, irritation, and redness – leaving a lingering and painful effect. If you live in this region, look for heavier creams and moisturizers with gentle ingredients to prevent further irritation. Squalene from olives or sugarcane, hyaluronate, coconut oil, and jojoba oil are powerful hydrators that won’t further aggravate the skin.


While low temperatures may not be as big of a problem for our friends in the south, facing constant humidity can be a challenge for the skin. Using an alcohol-free toner, avoiding greasy creams, showering with warm water instead of hot, and using a hydrating eye cream are ways to maintain skin’s moisture. Look for products that contain safflower oil, shea butter, and avocado oil.

In addition to very strong UV rays, the southeast can often experience quick and drastic weather changes. For those in this region, we suggest fragrance-free cleansers, gentle moisturizing ingredients, sunscreen, and UV protective clothing.

Southwestern states like New Mexico and Arizona experience low humidity but very high temperatures along with drying desert heat. Using liquid soaps, moisturizing body washes, and sun protection of at least SPF 30 are important in these areas.

Pacific Northwest

While the Pacific Northwest is known for its heavy rainfall, those living in the region may still experience dry skin. Indoor heat and prolonged hot showers can reek havoc on the skin. Although the highly humid climate makes it easier to keep skin supple and moist, skipping the moisturizing step of the routine is never recommended. We suggest that people in the area look for light moisturizing lotions to provide that needed layer of moisture and protection without clogging pores.

Please contact us or leave a comment below with your favorite skin care rituals and ways in which you repair winter damage! We’re looking forward to hearing from you, where you’re from and what skin care rituals you love!

Happy moisturizing!

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