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“Fall” Into Your New Self Care Schedule

With autumn upon us, what better time to refresh your self care routine than amid this crisp season of change? Following a complete and purposeful self care regimen is an ideal way to show your skin, body, and soul some love that will help you radiate from the inside out!

In this blog post, we will be discussing daily, weekly, and monthly habits that will help you look and feel your best all year long!


A daily routine serves the purpose of prevention, protection, and correction of unique skin care concerns. In an earlier blog post, we discussed the importance of having a morning and evening skin care routine as our routines serve different purposes at different times of the day (morning = protection, evening = rejuvenation).

Although the products used may differ, make sure to check off these necessary daily steps:

  • Cleanse
  • Tone
  • Moisturize
  • SPF
  • Remove Makeup
  • Eye Cream
  • Night Cream


When crafting a disciplined regimen, there are important steps that should be included weekly in order to protect and prevent that don’t need to be done each day.


Over the course of a week, our skin faces a tornado of various environmental stressors and dead skin cell buildup – both causing the skin to look dull. Weekly exfoliation helps maintain fresh and glowing skin no matter the season.

Hair mask

One of our favorite DIY hair masks for hydration can be made with 1 avocado, 1 TBSP jojoba oil, and 1 banana.

Sheet mask/clay mask

Masks are a great way to relax and unwind amid a busy and stressful week. Depending on your skin type, mask anywhere from one to four times a week.

bentonite clay acne

Make healthy diet choices

Be it drinking an extra glass of water every day or swapping a sugary snack for a fresh cup of fruit, small healthy choices made throughout the week can have a lasting effect on our total body wellness.

DIY facial

To properly mask ‘fall style’, look for DIY recipes that include pumpkin puree or sweet almond oil!

pumpkin mask facial is a DIY face mask for glowing skin


The goal of your monthly self care schedule should be: maintenance and fine-tuning the essentials in your life to help facilitate day to day tasks. Self care isn’t one size fits all and doesn’t need to be directly applied on your person to be considered “self” care. A few of our favorite monthly self care tips are to:

Clean your makeup brushes

Not cleaning our makeup brushes frequently enough can lead to dirt, bacteria, makeup, and oils from your skin staying on these items and contributing to the clogging and enlargement of pores - causing the development/irritation of acne. One of our fall favorite carrier oils that effectively removes this buildup is sweet almond oil.

Get your hair done

Whether a blow dry or a trim, a trip to the hair salon makes everyone feel glamorous, and a regular trim is crucial for healthy hair.

Groom your eyebrows

That fresh, “I feel like a new person” feeling after one gets their eyebrows done is exactly why this is one of our favorite monthly maintenance tips.

eyebrow threading

Sanitize cell phone and headphones

Similar to cleaning our makeup brushes, our daily devices are cesspools of accumulated bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can clog pores, irritate the skin, and weaken the immune system. Routine disinfection of items that come into regular contact with our face is a must! Combining equal parts water, lemon oil, peppermint essential oil, and tea tree oil into a spray bottle makes a natural disinfecting solution safe to use around our bodies and homes!


One goal of your quarterly schedule should be to release bottled up tension and pamper yourself because stress is disastrous to a clear complexion. When we’re stressed, cortisol levels spike, and that leads to excess oil and a flare up of pimples. Our favorite quarterly tips for de-stressing are to get a massage, schedule a professional facial, and get a full mani-pedi at the nail salon!

Another purpose for a quarterly routine is: rotation, rotation, rotation! The changing of the seasons are great opportunities to clean out your makeup bag and skin care shelf. With extreme variations of temperature and humidity, and for frequent travelers, seasonal changes usually trigger changing requirements within our skin. For example, with the season of hot showers, heaters, and bone chilling winds knocking at the door, most people opt for a heavier cream or an oilier foundation in the colder seasons to combat moisture loss and dryness. On the other hand, the sweat and stickiness of summer time calls for lighter products and oil free makeup.


  • Amazing, looking forward to the growth of this brand !

  • Amazing ! Looking forward to the growth of this brand – Heritage
    Ig: @m.a.l.i.kkkk

  • What a lovely blog post! Fall is upon us and so are our new beauty routines! I look forward to reading more of these blogs 🥰.

  • Love it! Thanks for all the tips!

  • Thank you for an awesome blog post I definitely don’t have a routine because I have three little ones to take care of but I’ve been referring to your blog post and then your future for some great tips thank you


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