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Essential Oils For Mold And Mildew

There are numerous studies that confirm the power of certain essential oils against mold and fungus growth.

These natural, non-toxic plant compounds have also been proven to support immune functions and help speed the recovery of those suffering from exposure to toxic levels of mold spores.

If the wrong kinds of mold and mildew take hold in an indoor environment, a whole house can be condemned, and serious illnesses will overtake the household. 

Spores are a notorious cause of allergies, skin irritations and sinus infections.

They can trigger attacks for asthma sufferers, and outbreaks of sneezing and runny noses for others. 

Damp and moist areas with insufficient ventilation very soon begin to smell bad, and mildews and molds can multiply within hours. They are also unsightly, spreading stains across porous and ceramic surfaces and attacking grout.

Clean-Up And Prevention Come First

Mold and mildew spores love water and thrive in moist and damp conditions. If you are unfortunate enough to have suffered flood damage, the number one priority should be contacting a professional to complete a thorough clean-up. Everything must be completely dried out and remain that way, before taking steps to prevent the fungus from returning.

Clear The Air

Once existing mold has been identified, located and destroyed, the next step to improve indoor air quality is to remove chemical and synthetic air fresheners, fragrances and cleaning products.

At every opportunity, windows should be opened to encourage fresh airflow, and air filters on furnaces should be examined and replaced regularly, several times a year.

Using Diffusers For Your Essential Oils

Cold air diffusers, or nebulizers are the ideal devices to use with essential oils. These devices have an atomizer which uses compressed air to turn the essential oil into mist.

This prevents you from accidentally adding more moisture to the air, which would increase humidity and encourage more mold growth. Unlike a heating diffuser, a nebulizer maintains the oils' chemical composition, and doesn't destroy the oils' anti-microbial power by heating them.

Air Fresheners Are Not Enough

Synthetic air fresheners should be avoided for mold infected areas. They just mask the odor of mold and mildew, and doing nothing to combat their effects or kill bacteria. All they achieve is the release of more harmful toxins into the atmosphere as chemicals.

Most Effective Essential Oils

Several essential oils are very effective for halting and destroying the spread of mold and mildew. Some oils work on a specific mold, which is fine if you can identify the species of mold, so your most powerful weapon is a blend of anti-fungal oils. A strong combination to use against mildew would include Cinnamon, Thyme and Basil, and Oregano. 

  • Oregano: This fragrant herbal oil makes a potent essential oil. It has been used for centuries for cleansing as well as flavoring to deliver its immune-enhancing benefits.
  • Tea Tree Oil: This well-known, anti-fungal skin treatment is commonly used to combat environmental mold, and is often used in combination with other oils.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is one of the strongest essential oils for inhibiting mold growth on food, and is a potent weapon in a blend of oils for environmental use against mold.
  • Thieves Oil: This blend of essential oils, including cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary and cloves, is particularly effective for use against black mold in the air and on porous surfaces around the home.
  • Lemongrass, Fennel and Caraway: These oils have been shown to have a significant effect on the germination and growth of Aspergillus spores, and mycotoxin production. They can be used as a natural preservative for foods.

Why Are Essential Oils So Effective Against Allergies?

An allergic reaction is the human immune system's reaction to the presence of an invader. It produces antibodies such as Immunglobin E. Allergans are substances that are really harmless, but trigger an aggressive over-reaction in response from the immune system, tricked into treating the allergan as an invader.

Mold and other microorganisms attack organic matter in recently dead organisms, to break it down into compounds for food in a continual recycling of organic materials. The deployment of essential oils helps to protect living organisms against becoming a victim of this continual organic process.

If you're looking for quality organic essential oils to add to your collection of mold fighting and allergy prevention supplies, check out our selection of oils here.

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