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Spring has Sprung! 7 Spring Self Care Ideas

The hustle and bustle of the winter season can take a serious toll on our bodies, minds, and self-care regimens. With hints of spring finally in the air, though, there’s no better time to indulge in some serious self care! The bursts of color, flowers, and greenery associated with springtime radiate beauty and inspiration. Now is the perfect time to reconnect with ourselves, nature, and the world around us. Self care is not selfish and this season, we’re here to remind you to invest in yourself! Read on for the Eve Hansen Team’s 7 favorite ways to unwind and rejuvenate!


1. DIY Sugar Body Scrub

One of our favorite ways to self care is to scrub away all the dead skin cells that have built up over months of being cooped up indoors. While cranking up the indoor heat might be cozy, it can wreak havoc on our skin and leave it feeling flakey and dry. A good body scrub will help to prepare skin for your favorite moisturizer and to finally get back into your favorite summer dress! Mix Brown sugar, almond oil & coconut oil, scrub skin, rinse, and reveal polished, glowing skin!


2. Try Something New

The season of rebirth is the perfect time for new beginnings! In addition to self comfort, self care is also about pushing ourselves towards personal growth. Enroll in a class, make a new friend, try a new way of solving problems - whatever you need to do! Now is the time! :)


3. Springtime Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a wonderful method of relaxation or for when you need a midday “pick me up.” Diffusing an oil blend is a simple way to practice self-care and improve your mood, while not doing much at all. Allow the blend to diffuse while you take a nap, clean up, or cozy up to a hot mug of tea. Mix one drop lemon essential oil, one drop peppermint essential oil, and one drop grapefruit oil for a fresh, energizing, springtime blend that will improve the mood of the whole household!

energizing essential oil blends  

4. Take a Midday Stroll

Not too hot, not too cold - there’s no better time than spring to take a walk around the neighborhood! Even a 20 minute walk to the park (or to the ice cream shop!) is a simple yet mindful expression of self care.  Open your senses and take the moments in. Find beauty in the songs of the birds, the rustling of the leaves and the earthy scent that is carried around town by a light breeze. There’s so much beauty to be found in the world around us if we look for it!


5. #FaceMaskFriday

A good ol’  fask mask is one of the best ways to refresh your skin and to put a 15 minute pause on our busy and stressful schedules. So pick a day (#FaceMaskFriday? #SheetMaskSaturday?), relax, and restore some glow to your skin! Two of our favorite masks that make a great addition to any spring self-care/skin care regimen are our Hydrating Sheet Masks, and our Turmeric & Cranberry Clay Mask.


6. Remember a Favorite

As inspiring as it is to try something new, revisiting an old favorite can be therapeutic for the soul. Read one of your favorite books, visit a favorite restaurant from the past, or call an old friend. Reconnecting to our past is a great way to find inspiration for the present!

self care tips

7. Clean Out Your Closet

Throwing away some old clothes - as hard as it can sometimes be - is a great way to self care and is recommended on almost every single self care blog! Although we’ve all experienced the benefits of “Spring Cleaning” there’s something about a cleaned out closet that feels like a burden being lifted off of one’s shoulders. The best part of applying the “out with the old in with the new” mentality is the ‘in with the new’ retail therapy that comes after!

Time invested in yourself is not time wasted! Reducing stress, taking a break from the noisiness of life, and moving “Me-time” up on the priorities list, will have positive, long-lasting effects on your health and overall well being, and is sure to put a ‘spring in your step’! Pun intended.

Happy Healing!


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