Lemon Oil E-Book
Lemon Oil
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Lemon Oil: An Overview
Introduction To Lemon Essential Oil
The Lemon tree that originates from South East Asia, now can be found all over the world in places including: Australia, America, (California and Florida) South Africa, India, China, the Middle East, and all over the Mediterranean. A mature lemon tree can produce up to 1,000 lemons annually.
Lemon essential oil is obtained from the outer part of the lemon peel. The peel is pressed hard to extract the oil from the fruit, and this process is called cold extraction.
Lemon essential oil is a type of essential oil that is most commonly used in aromatherapy. It is known as a polyvalent – a cure all oil. Its citrusy scent is favored by many and it’s one of the most powerful essential oils on the market. It is ideal for cleaning, energizing, and metabolizing. Lemon essential oil is sourced from the peel of the citrus limon plant, and is known to be the most valuable of all fruit for preserving one’s health. Alongside to health, lemon oil has a plethora of beauty and miscellaneous uses as well.
Background Information:
- Lemon Oil was originally derived from India.
- Its tree grows up to about 20 feet and has dark green leaves with pink/white heavily scented flowers.
- The trees have thorns and a green fruit that turns yellow when ripe.
- The name “lemon” comes from the Persian “limun”.
- The tree was brought to Europe in the Middle Ages.
- Because the lemons from the tree were rich in vitamins A, B, and C – sailors in the Royal navy were given the juice to supplement any vitamin deficiencies.
- Lemon oil mainly contains a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, linalool, b-bisabolene, limonene, trans-a-bergamotene, nerol and neral.
- Lemon oil is non-toxic, but may cause skin irritation to individuals with sensitive skin because it is highly concentrated. Use with care and caution.
- Keep out of reach of children
- If irritation, redness or discomfort occurs, discontinue use.
- Avoid contact with eyes and while pregnant.
Eve Hansen’s Lemon Essential Oil Product Summary:
“Very fresh and uplifting citrus scent - made from real lemons. Great antiseptic cleanser with refreshing and cooling properties. A few drops in a glass of water boosts your energy level, keeps you healthy, and tastes great. Use also in air freshener or for cleaning - makes the house smell wonderful and fresh. Blends well with other oils, making it ideal for homemade cosmetics. Highly concentrated and should be used with care. Always dilute before any use other than aromatherapy.”
Indications: Store oil in a cool dark place to preserve the integrity and properties of the oil.
Lemon oil can be used to boost dozens of different aspects of your health. Use your lemon oil to:
- Benefit your circulatory system by helping with blood flow and reducing blood pressure.
- Lemon oil can be used in burners and vaporizers during: colds, flu, voice loss, depression stress, fatigue. Pour a couple of drops of lemon oil into your vaporizer, and feel better instantly because of the oil’s energizing and uplifting properties.
- Improve concentration
- Soothe and relieve headaches and migraines
- Aid in rheumatism and arthritis
- Soothe sore throat by drinking tea with drops of lemon oil in it.
- Use as a mouthwash to sort out ulcers and cold sores.
- Aid your digestive system. Lemon oil acts as a body cleanse and helps regulate your digestive system. Lemon oil fights constipation and stomach illness. Put a couple of drops to a glass of water in the morning to help cleanse your body of toxins.
- Fight asthma and allergies. Lemon oil helps cleanse nasal passages and promotes good air flow.
In addition to being excellent for your health, lemon oil can work wonders when implemented into your beauty routine as well. Because lemon oil blends well with other oils, it is the ideal product to make homemade cosmetics with, and add to your favorite oils and creams.
- Weight Loss: Lemon oil can be used to satisfy your appetite. Adding a few drops of lemon oil into a glass of water can help prevent overeating. Also, drinking a glass of water with lemon oil has been known to speed up one’s metabolism throughout the day.
- Skin Care: Lemon oil can be used in lotions and creams to help clear clogged skin. The oil’s astringent components make it a great treatment for oily skin. In addition to clearing acne and cleaning greasy skin, lemon oil may be used for removing dead skin cells. Add lemon oil into your regular exfoliator for an uplifting boost.
- Hair Care: Along with its many capabilities, lemon oil is also a very strong hair refresher. It can be used to obtain shiny, healthy, and strong hair, and may also be used to rid dandruff. You may also spray lemon oil on hair before going out into the sun in order to promote hair lightening and get natural highlights.
- Nail Care: Apply lemon oil to nails and cuticles to soften and rejuvenate your nails, while restoring their strength.
Nail Treatment Recipe:
- 3 drops Lemon
- 3 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil
- 1 tablespoon Beeswax
Directions: Heat the beeswax in a small glass bowl over a pan of simmering water. When runny, add the Lemon oil and stir thoroughly.
Add the fractionated coconut oil a little at a time while still stirring the beeswax. (As the beeswax cools, it will become solid but pliable. If it is too hard, heat again and add more fractionated coconut oil) Apply the wax to the fingers and nails as a treatment once a week.
Lemon oil has been used as a popular cleaning agent around the house for years, but other household uses for this powerful oil have been discovered and implemented:
- Bug Repellant: Mix lemon oil with eucalyptus and peppermint oil to create an effective repellent for ants and other insects.
- Disinfectant: Because lemon oil has antibacterial and antifungal components, it can be used as a healthy, non-toxic, all-purpose household cleaner and disinfectant. Mix 40 drops of lemon oil with 20 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle filled with pure water and vinegar to get a classic cleaning solution. This solution can be used on your body, metal/marble surfaces, dishes, and clothes.
- Furniture Polish: Lemon oil can also be used as a fantastic polish for wooden furniture and leather. Add a few drops to olive oil to clean, protect, and shine wood finishes. Soak a cloth in lemon oil to protect and polish leather furniture.
- Taste Enhancer: Use lemon oil to add a pleasant taste and smell to food, and to give yourself an energy boost.
- Air Freshener: Soak a few cotton balls in lemon oil and place them in your trash can or refrigerator to eliminate odors.
Aromatherapy with Lemon Essential Oil:
Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils for psychological and physical well-being. Essential oils that are inhaled into the lungs offer both psychological and physical benefits. The aroma of these natural essential oils stimulates the brain to a reaction, and can supply bodily therapeutic benefits when inhaled. Common ways to practice aromatherapy are through using humidifiers, diffusers, and vaporizers.
Aroma therapists have made use of lemon oil’s fresh, cleansing, and energizing properties to combat health issues, and feelings of depression and anxiety. The therapeutic properties of lemon include: antiseptic, antidepressant, antiviral, decreases indigestion, and stops bleeding. Lemon oil’s relation to cleanliness helps people purge feelings of imperfection, increases feelings of purity, and builds confidence.
Research confirms that the aroma of lemon is relaxing to brain waves, therefore improving concentration. Lemon oil was the most effective essential oil when tested in reducing computer errors. Those who worked in lemon scented rooms made half the mistakes of those working in unscented rooms. Lemon oil has also been noted to calming emotions while stimulating the mind.
Because lemon oil mixes well with other oils, it is an aromatherapy favorite that can blended with other essential oils to combat a specific healing need.
Eve Hansen’s Lemon oil is one of the best natural healing products for your family!
As this guide shows, Lemon oil offers you a wide variety of uses and treatments for everyday beauty, health, and other issues. This amazing oil is one of the best products to have in your medicine cabinet.
Use the suggested treatments, and anytime you have an issue that you think lemon oil can help, give it a try. Just make sure to stay safe by reading the safety warnings on the product and you should see positive results.